[Unit3] The Westward expansion and the American Frontier: a webquest:

1)   What do you know about the birth of the US and how the American territory was created?


2) What does the word « frontier » generally mean ?



3) What does the word « FRONTIER » refer to in the US imaginary ?




4) The US territory has changed a lot over time. This phenomenon has been called «THE  WESTWARD  EXPANSION» :

a-The Westward Expansion :

Check out the following links and give a definition of this phenomenon.

Link1 - Link2 - Link3

When did this phenomenon take place?

Link4 - Link5


b-During the westward expansion, a number of events took place :

Use the links above and/or the links below to fill in the timeline on your worksheet.

Link1 - Link2 - Link3 - link4


d-The Westward expansion was linked to the idea of « Manifest destiny ». What does this phrase mean ?

 Link1 - Link2 - Link3


5) The main steps of THE WESTWARD EXPANSION :

a-1st step : The Lewis and Clark expedition :

Explain what this expedition consisted in and who Lewis and Clark were.

Link1 - Link2 - Link3 - Link4 - Link5 (game)

b-2nd step : The Removal Act and the Trail of Tears:

What happened to the Native Americans/the Indians during the Westward expansion ?

Link1 - Link2

c-3rd step : The Gold Rush:

Explain what this phenomenon consisted in and when and where it took place.

Link1 - Link2



Note down the definition of « pioneers » or « Frontiersmen » : Link

What was life on the Frontier like ?

 Link1 - Link2 - Link3 - Link4 - Link5

What did railroad workers do ?


What did Homesteaders do ?
