Unit4: Welcome to the Digital Age/Era!


Social networks, PCs, tablets, apps... Here are a few of the best-selling items in the last 15 years. The world entered the digital age and this had a tremendous impact on everybody's way of life. In this Unit, we will try and reflect on the ways social media make the world a better place to live in.

Survival kit:

EC1 Unit3 Survival kit by Camille Jubi and Baptiste
EC1 Unit4 Survival kit by Camille Jubi a
Adobe Acrobat Document 741.5 KB

Download this file and add whatever you think is important.

Step0 (intro) + Step1:

Step0: Intro + the pros and cons of new technologies (main facts):

  • Digital Revolution:

Definition (Techopedia)

Révolution digitale : s'adapter ou mourir (a very interesting article in French)

  • Social networking:


List of Social networking websites (Wikipedia)

The History of Social Networking (A video which is both funny and thorough, an Odd Tod Cartoon, Time)

What is social networking? (A very useful website to collect whatever information you need about social networks)

Mashable (One of the most famous websites about social networking)

Step1: New technologies can be a CURSE: The dark side of new technologies:

  • The dangers of the Internet or new technologies:

4 Dangers of the Internet (webmd.com)

Internet dangers (Protectkids.com)

Cyberbullying (StopCyberbullying.com)

Internet trolls (The Guardian)

Cyberattack (Techopedia)

Filip Smartwatch (Laptop)

The Facebook whistleblower (doc1b)

Prince Ea: "Can we auto-correct Humanity?"

"Can we auto-correct Humanity?" (with French lyrics)

Prince Ea's song about Freddie Gray and Mike Brown (cf Unit2)

Prince Ea's official website                (doc1a below):

Step2: Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding: How these new trends empower people:


Step3: The tremendous power of the Internet: How new technologies have changed the world:

  • YouTube: 

"How YouTube Changed the World" (The Telegraph) doc3a

 = How YouTube changed LEARNING

(Hajar, Martha, Clémentine, Noah, Magali and Théo) / Your google.doc

  • How A.O.C. (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez) channels the power of YouTube, Twitch, Twitter etc in POLITICS : doc3b

"Here is why A.O.C. is a political powerhouse" (CNN) 

(Alexandre, Paul, Baptiste, Malo, Ariunzaya, Emma, Leyan)) / Your google.doc

  •  A counter-argument: the spread of QAnon (a far-right group and conspiracy theory) through the Internet: doc3c

a counter-argument (CSIS) + BBC link

(Emmanuel, Charles, Evan, Justine, Hamza, Angus) / Your google.doc

Step3 (follow-up): Silicon Valley and Tech entrepreneurs:

Here are Jack's answers about Silicon Valley for you!

Translate!                                Practice!

Pictures or cartoons:

Go further:

  • General knowledge:

-The rising influence of social networks in politics: link1, link2, link3.

-"Ideasphere", a Chicago event
-Facebook's tactic to motivate its employees

-Anonymous / Hacktivists

-"People Power" : Wikipedia

  • Movies:

The Social Network (2010)

Jobs (2013)

Steve Jobs (2015)

Quizlet games on Unit3 created by Inès, a former student: