Unit2: A Brief History of the USA and the Race Issue in America:

Intro:                                       Recap:

In this Unit, we will study American history through the lens of the race issue AND art. After revising a few landmarks in American history and culture, we will try and see what the situation is like for African-Americans (and other communities) today. In other words, we will reflect on the following question: has MLK's dream come true at last?
The documents below will help you go further into the theme and practice (translation, reading or listening comprehension, ....). Feel free to ask questions and/or post a comment if need be.

EC1 Survival kit Unit2 by Nicolas Damien Sinan
EC1 Synthèse Unit2 Nicolas Damien Sinan.
Microsoft Word Document 85.0 KB

Download this file and add whatever you find essential.

US History Revision game
EC1 Unit2 US history revision game.ppt
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 1.5 MB

Here are 20 key dates in US History. Try and note them down in chronological order.


Translate!                                 Practice!

Practice your vocabulary and grammar on the following articles to be translated into English... or French!

Translate into French:

"Ferguson and the end of post-racialism in America", ABC News

"Trayvon Martin's Mom Writes Heartbreaking Letter to Michael Brown's family", (USA Today)

Translate into English:

"Ferguson, ou la terrible réalité de l'Amérique noire", Courrier International

"Occupy Wall Street célèbre son deuxième anniversaire à New York", , Le Monde

 "Steve Jobs, ou le rêve américain", Les Echos

-Reading comprehension (CE):

Read this article and try and recap the main ideas (theme: gated communities)

Here is another article for you to practice (theme: MLK's dream)

-Listening comprehension (CO): Here is a podcast from NPR dealing with the American dream : download it, make down notes and recap the document. When you are done, have a look at the script.

-Videos (CO):

For President Obama's speech on the Trayvon Martin case: (English Blog)

1) Watch the mute video and focus on what you see, imagine the topic of the document

2) Watch the video three times and make down notes

3) Get ready to recap the main ideas of the video.

4) Have a look at the script when you are done.

Do the same with this video dealing with a racist American sorority (USA Today)


'I have a dream 50th anniversary', August 28, 2013, by Dave Grandlund
'I have a dream 50th anniversary', August 28, 2013, by Dave Grandlund
'Ice Bucket Challenge in Ferguson', August 25, 2014.
'Ice Bucket Challenge in Ferguson', August 25, 2014.

Go further:

  • General knowledge:
  1. Key organisations or concepts:

The KKK (History.com)

The NRA (Wikipedia)

Occupy Wall Street (Wikipedia)

People power Wikipedia

The American dream: link 1, link 2 and link 3 (with a very mindful mindmap)

Digital Library of America


        2. Michael Moore's committed movies:

Michael Moore's official website


Michael Moore and gun control (lien en français sur les films engagés de Michael Moore)

Bowling for Columbine (autre lien en français sur les grandes thématiques du film, niveau lycée)

        3. The race issue through the lens of art:
Joseph Rugolo: (1937) Mural of Sports

Aaron Douglas: Murals
Billie Holiday: (1939) Strange Fruit

Norman Rockwell: (1964) The Problem we all live with

Gordon Parks: Color Photographs of segregation

Emori Douglas

The Harlem Renaissance

Ron English: (2008) Abraham Obama

  • Movies about segregation:

Gone with the Wind

The Butler


Comments: 2
  • #2

    Cara Mengobati Ambeien Tradisional (Saturday, 12 December 2015 04:03)

    Cara Mengobati Ambeien Tradisional

  • #1

    Olivier Chuiton (Wednesday, 05 November 2014 20:39)

    The movie hit " The Help" could have also been mentioned and is available for borrowing from the school resource center. So is the novel.