"American Sniper": (night out at the cinema/March 16, 2014)

Main facts:

A few thought-provoking links about "American Sniper":

  • Book reviews: 'American Sniper' written by Chris Kyle:

"'American Sniper': a book review" (The Huffington Post)

"Book review: 'American Sniper" (Washington Times)

You can listen to a free extract from this autobiography on Amazon.

Chris Kyle:

  • A few useful links:

Biography (Biography.com)

Main facts (Official website)

"Taya Kyle post touching letter to Chris on anniversary on March 16, 2015" (Khou.com)

"The Legend of Chris Kyle" (DMagazine)

Go further:

If you want to grasp how controversial 'American Sniper' may seem, why not read this article and then watch "Flags or Our Fathers", another Eastwood movie which is worth comparing to "American Sniper".

"Flags of Our Fathers", Trivia (IMDB)

"Flags of Our Fathers", Movie Review (The Guardian)

  • Compare and constrast "American Sniper" (2015) and "Flags of our Fathers" (2006), and especially the vision which is given of the US and of the soldiers.